Tag Archives: burgy bits

Chilean Fjords (Feb. 17-18)

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Two days at sea usually means hankering down in the library with a good book, going to the gym for some exercise and (if the weather is conducive) a swim and some sun on the deck. This far south the latter is out of the question except for the one brave man we saw doing laps as we got up at dawn to view our first glacier.

Cruising through the fjords is amazingly beautiful – snow-topped mountains on either side, incredibly blue, crevassed glaciers cascading down into the water and a relatively calm sea full of “burgy bits” that have broken off the ice. Those bits shimmer like diamonds on the water because there is much more ice underneath the surface than above and the reflection al,out sparkles.

The captain cruised into an inlet and turned the boat around 360 degrees for over an hour in order for all to see first major glacier and the second followed later that day. We were rocking and rolling that evening as he returned to the Pacific to progress further south and enter the Strait of Magellan.