Tag Archives: Aysen Fjord

Chacabuco (Feb. 16)

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Located in the Valdes Peninsula, a UNESCO designated nature reserve, this is the main port in the area (assuming this role after a series of landslides clogged the Port of Aysen in the mid 60s and subsequent damage from volcanic eruptions in the 90s).

The town itself is unremarkable but its position, at the head of the Aysen Fjord and surrounded by the Andes, is quite spectacular. We walked the length and breadth of it in just over an hour and, with the exception of the large canine population that barked and followed us along the way, it had the feeling of a ghost town. Houses are close together and most claddings and yards are quite unkempt although a few reflected pride of ownership. A high percentage were up for sale but, even with my penchant for real estate, I didn’t check them out!